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218 Fungal infections agents for, see Antifungal agents Candida albicans fluconazole therapy for, 98 in Biinary individuals, 98 in normal individuals, 97-98 secreted acid proteases of, 103-104 virulence factors of, 103-104 Cryptococcus neoformans, 98 opportunistic, see Opportunistic fungal infections Furocoumarins, chemoprevrntive uses of, 21 G Gallocatechin gallate, 137 Gemmacolide A, insecticidal properties of, 244 G115extract, fromPanaxginseng central nervous system effects, 223-224 description of, 210 dose-response findings, 224 immunomodulatory properties of, 221-223 mechanism of action, 218-219 Binwry effects of, 223-225 pharmacology of, 218-224 standardization of, 213-217, 227, 229-230 toxicology studies, 227, 229 vasodilatory properties of, 220-221 Ginsana, see G115 extract, from Panax ginseng Ginseng, see Panax ginseng Ginsenosides amount variations in commercial ginseng products, 214 description of, 212-213 G115 extract and, pharmacologic comparisons between, 221 metabolism of, 226 pharmacokinetic studies of, 224, 226-228 plant age and, 216 plant distribution of, 215-216 secondary melabofifes produced from, 226 GL331 chemotherapeutic uses of, 75 description of, 74, 86 discovery of, 75 etoposide and, comparison between, 75 side effects of, 75 Slabrene 18 Starting the Application where its going to save your files, or where it will look for files to open - you can modify the desktop shortcut so that it directs AutoCAD to a specific Start In folder.

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