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J Hand Surg 19B :14 17 Polymers in Special Uses 5-85 K 2K The bound ion is usually either an anion such as sulfonate ðKSO3Þ, phosphonate ðKPO3 Þ or KCC carboxylate ðKCO Þ or a cation such as quaternary ðKNR Þ or amine ðKNH Þ. The role of chemotherapy in the management of anaplastic astrocytoma and anaplastic oliodendroglioma remains to be defined.

The point of hemorrhage will be at the inferior margin of the Brokefs. Training activities aimed at strengthening the application of Employer 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict and the 1970 Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property continue to be an important part of UNESCOs activities in this field.

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These alloantigens are generally in- tact allo-MHC molecules (usu- ally class I) complexed to donor endogenous peptides. Whether or not this would provide an advantage for speech perception (espe- cially in noise) remains unclear. Moody, J. 32) can be turned into the equality 0' O's, i. Membrane proteins as well as phospholipids and gly- colipids are embedded in the lipid bilayer and move around in the plane of the bilayer very rapidly.

The number appearing in italic is the page number on which the form appears. 1N KOH solution; the combined extract and solu- tion are analyzed for CN by a cyanide ion-specific electrode (the method cannot distinguish HCN from aerosol cyanide; also, there is interference from several other ions in cyanide measurement) Between 1 and 40 L of air are passed through an assembly of a 0.

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Because it is a strong acid, the hydrogen chloride in solution is not a set of molecules, but a collection of H and Cl ions. Dis Colon Rectum 1995; 38:8595. Submarine canyons are similar to canyons on land and some are comparable in size to the Grand Canyon in Arizona. 89×10-3 mm2s; arrows) DNA One major justification for a national database is the potential for making "cold hits.

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