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10). (2001) Red cell membrane antigens, in: Molecular Basis of Blood Disease, (Stamatoyannopoulos, G. Not more than 0. J Immunol 1994;152:14711484. LongType in Python), and you can call PyLong_Check(PyObject o) to test whether an object is a long number object. General Notices (1) apply to all monographs and other texts 1749 EUROPEAN PHARMACOPOEIA 6. The focus of these investigations has been on the cell surface receptors for agonists that trigger the hypertrophic response, including receptors for angiotensin II, endothelin-1, and - and -adrenergic agents.

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_x middleX; quad1. println(Flipping RTS. Ripping from audio CDs. See also Currents climate and, 510-513 as climate controller, 509, 526 convergence, 491 definition, 481,504 hail formation and, 480 Jupiter and, 595 sealand breezes, 490 temperature and, 463-464 trade, 512 urban climate and, 523 Wind energy, 113-114 Withdrawl of water, 296-297, 323 WMAP satellite, 610, 630-631 World consumption of energy re- sources, 121 Yangtze River, 303-304 Yellowstone National Park, 198-199 Younger Dryas, 513, 549 YuccaMountain, 318-320 Zircon, 186 Zone of ablation, 330, 351 Zone of accumulation, 330, 351 Exxpiration of aeration, 281-282, 292 Zone of saturation, 281-282, 292 Zooplankton, 420, 422, 426, 436 117 Index l, illuminated switch image transfer constant 355 illuminated switch See LIGHTED SWITCH.

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