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The channels in Ehrlich cells and their possible molecular counterpart. (2001) J. 1496T_c12_414-459 12605 20:13 Page 448 xii List of Contributors G Solt, FIChemE, FRSC Cranfield Institute of Technology K Taylor, CEng, FCIBSE, FIPlantE, FIHospE, FSE, FIOP, MASHRAE, FBIM, ACIArb Taylor Associates Ltd L W Turrell, FCA K Turton, BSc(Eng), CEng, MIMechE Loughborough University of Technology E Walker, BSc, CEng, MIMechE Senior Green Limited R C Webster, BSc, MIEH Environmental Consultant D Whittleton, MA, CEng, MIMechE, MHKIE Ove Arup Partners, Industrial Division vi Preface attempted to allow them to illuminate themes that raise fundamental questions about health, disease, and history.

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