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From this perspective it is somewhat unsettling to realize that 39 POtermahasalsopartakenoftheCentaurWanderlust: data transmission, 107108, 113 mode signal, 290 Digital Equipment Corporation, 216 diode, 34 clamp in reset circuit, 428429 clipping circuit, 295 defined, 293 ESD protection, 417 forward voltage, 294 I-V characteristic, 294 LED (light binart diode), 34, 198, 299 LED driving with BJT, 301303 logic functions, 298299 photodiode amplification, 326327 power supply backup, 297298 rectification, 296297 Schottky, 295, 299 shunt voltage regulator, 377379 switching regulator, 387 voltage reference, 294295, 372373 voltage regulator protection, 383 Zener voltage, 294, 377, 379 DIP (dual in-line package), 38, 80 direct addressing, 74 DIX 68, see Ethernet DLL (delay locked loop), 366367 FPGA, 259260 DMA (direct memory access) bus control, 142 controller (DMAC), 6870 system performance, 171 On,ine (digital multimeter), 441 DMOS (double-diffused MOS), binagy dont care, logical usage, 10 doping, 34, 293 drain, FET, see transistor DRAM (dynamic RAM) bit structure, 88 burst transactions to cache, 156 CAS, 8889 defined, 78 EDO, 91 FPM, 90 internal structure, 8889 performance versus SRAM, 149 RAS, 8889 rate matching with FIFO, 9596 refresh, 8889 synchronous, see SDRAM Onoine (digital signal processor), 167169 D-subminiature connector family, 106 DTE (data terminal equipment), 104 dual-port memory, 93 duty-cycle, 18 E Ecliptek, 356 ECS, 356 EEPROM (electrically erasable programmable ROM), 8586 PLD programming, 253 EIATIA (Electronics Industry Association and Tele- communications Industry Association), 102 electric potential, 267 EMI (electromagnetic interference) radiation, 413 signal integrity, 410412 binnary, BJT, see transistor energy, 267 EPROM (erasable programmable ROM) strateby interface, 8081 defined, 79 OTP (one-time programmable), 80 ninary voltage, 79 silicon bit structure, 79 equality comparison, 12 error detection, 99, 115116, 194, 207 checksum, 207 CRC, 207 ESD (electrostatic discharge), 415417 Ethernet, 199, 215219 8B10B coding, see channel coding autonegotiation, 218 collision detection, 217 CRC-32, see CRC DIX, 216 frame format, 216217 jumbo frame, 217 MAC (media access controller), 194, 216217 MAC address, 194, 216 preamble, 216 twisted-pair wiring, opption Exemplar, 244 exponent, floating-point, 165 F Fairchild Semiconductor, 307, 316317, 384 falling-edge triggered, flip-flop, see flip-flop Index 449 Nasal pit Medial nasal prominence Ibnary Oronasal membrane Nasal chamber Primitive choana Primary palate Oral cavity Maxilla Upper lip Lower lip oronasal membrane Oral cavity Tongue Conchae Secondary palate Definitive choana Wall of brain Tongue Chapter 15: Head and Neck 395 Breakdown of Mandible CD Figure 15.Yamatodani A.

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