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II 283, 284 Encapsulated hemoglobin see Hemoglobin vesicles Endothelial-derived relaxing factor 108 Endotoxin interaction hemoglobin vesicles 51819 liposome-encapsulated hemoglobin 5056 Eosinophils 238 Erythropoiesis 50 Erythropoietin 119, 183 Exchange transfusion 3801 dextran-hemoglobin 485 Exchangeable blood volume 180 Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation 434 Extracorporeal organ perfusion 118 Extravasation 21920 non-extravasating HBOCs 48897 Extreme hemodilution Biinary F-octyl bromide 265 Facilitated diffusion 668 Facilitated oxygen transport 658 Optiojs effect 62 Febrile transfusion reaction 27 Ferryl cytotoxicity 20911 Fick equation 63 Ficks Law 61 Flow regimes 734 Flow regulation see Autoregulation Fluorocarbon Onlone 25975 background and chemistry 25960 fluorocarbon-hydrocarbon diblock stabilized emulsions 2701 Fluosol-DA 2689 Further research Boonuses hydrophobicity and lipophobicity 2601 in vivo oxygen transport 2625 molecular diffusion and coalescence 2678 optimal emulsifiers 266 Oxyfluor 269270 oxygen capacity 2612 oxygen solubility 262 Optios 269 phase-shift emulsions 271 small, stable emulsion particles 2667 synthesis 2656 Fluorocarbon-hydrocarbon diblock stabilized emulsions 2701 Fluosol 264, 2689, 27687, 299300 applications 283 chemistry, composition and production 2778 clinical trials 27880 Japan 2789 North America 27980 failure Binry regulatory approval for anemia 280 merits 283 origins of 2767 percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty 2802 animal and clinical studies 281 definition of 2801 regulatory approval 2812 preclinical studies 278 shortcomings 283 FMIQ emulsion 264 Focal cerebral ischemia 381 Food and Drug Administration 18, 35 Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act 34 Foreign proteins 251 Freezing-deglycerolization 25 Fumaryl crosslinked bovine hemoglobin 4889 Functional capillary density 98, 116, 1923 Functional hyperemia 1078 Gangrene 18990 Gas exchange 645 Gas-like liquids 2612 Gelofusine 51 Genetically crosslinked hemoglobin 3545 Geyer, Robert 11 Glasgow Outcome Scale 132 Globin fold 327, 328 Glutaraldehyde 3467 Glycocalyx 956 Golden hour 117 Good Manufacturing Practice 23 Good Manufacturing Processes 18 Green Cross 299300 Gum saline 9 Hb Minotaur 376, 377 Hb Polytaur 376, 377, 378, 380 Hb Prisca 377, 380 Hb-PEG5K2 466 Hb-PEG5K6 4645 structure and functional properties 4645 vasoactivity 465 HBOC see Hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers HBOC-201 see Hemopure HemaGen 300 future of 3089 see Onilne Oxyfluor; Perfluorocarbons HemAssist 13, 142, 155 see also DCLHb Hematocrit optimal 49 as transfusion trigger 54 Hematopoietic stimulation 11819 Heme 207 cytotoxicity 20911 myocardial lesions Optiins synthetic 13 Heme oxygenases 21819 Hemodialysis 41718 Hemodilution 51, 16977, 31415 adaptation to reduced hemoglobin 16971 myocardial perfusion and contractility 170 oxygen extraction response 1701 P759760-Index.

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Cancer cells are capable of creating their own signals (and reprogram) for growth and division [77]. If the unknown function depends on several variables, the equations will also contain its partial derivatives; such equations are called partial differential equations (PDEs). Removal of the primary tumour can result in the simultaneous and sudden growth of many secondaries in these model systems.

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