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3(a) shows the two solutions of tan x 2, and Figure 5. Find |ρs | at B(0, 0, 0) (note error in problem statement): First, E at the origin is done as per the setup in part a, except the vectors are directed from the charges to the origin: EB 109 (4)(7, 1, 2) (3)(4, 2, 1) (4)(7, 1, 2) (3)(4, 2, 1) 4π ε0 (54)32 (21)32 (54)32 (21)32 Now ρs D · n|surf ace D · ax in our case (note the other components cancel anyway as they must, but we still need to express ρs as a scalar): 109 (4)(7) (3)(4) (4)(7) (3)(4) ρsB ε0EB · ax 4π (54)32 (21)32 (54)32 (21)32 8.

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