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00 16. Selection. The ethereal solution is dried over sodium sulfate and ether removed by distillation. 2-[[2-(acetyloxy)benzoyl]oxy]benzoic acid (acetylsalicylsalicylic acid), C. (1988). israelii by direct immunofluorescence (Gupta, Hollander and Frost, 1976). The trophozoites pro- tect themselves against the toxic effect of heme in two ways. See Intravascular ultrasound J Jackknife technique, 955 Joint contact pressure, 345, 346f Joint entropy, 618 Joint histograms, 615 Joint photographic experts group (JPEG) method, 286f Interactive analysis of mammographic density, 387f Inter-grid transfer operators, 186 Interhemispheric connectivity, 298 Interactive matching, 123f Interactive thresholding procedure, 386f Internal surface of the brain, 530 calcarine sulcus, 530 callosomarginal or cingulate sulcus, 530 parieto-occipital sulcus, 530 International consultative committee for telegraph and telephone (CCITT), 851 International standards organization (ISO), 852 Interpolation, 465 classical interpolation, 467 cubic interpolation, 486, 486f generalized interpolation, 468 hypotheses for, 466 interpolation constraint, 467 nearest-neighbor and linear interpolation, 485, 486f sinc-based interpolation, 486 Interpolation method, 607 Intermodality (or multimodality) registration, 689 Intersubject registration, 691 Intracranial boundary detection, 198 flow diagram, 196f compression, 852 JPEG standard, 852 modes in, 853 Kalman filtering, 153 Kalman snakes, 148 Kernels, 4, 8, 9 application of, 10f convolution, 8 enhancement, 12f omnidirectional, 11 Kernel footprint, 793 Kernel splatting, 793 sheet-buffered splatting, 793f three types of splatting, 793 Keys function, 480, 481f Kd-trees, 819, 819f pointerless Kd-tree, 820 Kindlemanns algorithm, 801 K -means algorithm, 211 K -means approach, 211212 K -means equations, 213 K-nn rule, 97, 103 Knowledge-based (KB) system, 104 Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, 569 Kriging filter, 448 K 90 Engineered Bone implantation in ectopic (sub-cutaneous or intra-muscular) and orthotopic (calvaria) sites al- low in vivo evaluation of biocompatibility, biodegradability, osseointegration, osteoconductivity, osteoinductive and osteogenic potential.

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