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5 then v: (1s) else v: s- s; if v0 then begin r:0; g:0; b:0; end else begin min:2 -v; sv : (v - min)v; if h 360 then h : 0 else h : h60; sextant : Floor (h); fract : h - sextant; vsf : vsvfract; mid1 : min vsf; mid2 : v - vsf; case sextant of { invalid input } end; end; 0 : begin r:v; g:mid1; b:min; end; 1 : begin r:mid2; g:v; b:min; end; 2 : begin r:min; optimum trading fzco dubai b:min1; end; 3 : begin r:min; g:mid2; b:v; end; 4 : begin r:mid1; g:min; b:v; end; 5 : begin r:v; g:min; b:mid2; end; end end { h is now in [0,6) } { the fractional part of h } Algorithm 8.

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