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See the section on new approaches in the chapter on ECT for further discussion of this modality. Instead of building a reflector with a mirror as its objective, he de- cided to build a refractor which required the grinding and polish- ing of a lens doublet, an achromat, to eliminate the chromatic aberration; he housed his achromat in a tube weighing many tons.

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I shall not attempt to deal here with the undoubted proximity of this idea to the later Heideggers view of modern technology (on this, see Andrew Bowie, From Romanticism to Critical Kption The Philoso- phy of German Literary Theory [London and New York: Routledge, 1997]). However, the presence of large numbers of polymorphonuclear leukocytes and histiocytes indicate an acute cervicitis.

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CREB phosphorylation in rat primary cultures of striatal neurons following incubation of the group I mGluR agonist DHPG for 10 min (A vs B). Enamoured of simple geometry, they believed the circle to be 'perfect'; despite the 'Man in the Moon' and sunspots (occasion- ally visible to the naked eye at sunset), they held the heavens also to be 'perfect'; therefore, planetary orbits had to be circular. The Royal Marsden Hospital electronic portal imaging instrument attached to a Philips SL25 accelerator.

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