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Hypertension 1997;29:8-14. Data presented on the first 266 patients showed a significantly greater proportion of patients undergoing BV pacing had an improvement in NYHA functional status by at least one class (69 vs 34 for no pacing, p 0. 4 mgday) were reported by Brecher ( 471). Garcia left her urine specimen in the physicians office laboratory for a pregnancy test.

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Pieper R, Kager L, Tidefeldt. This population is particularly informative when the study is focused on the effects of pharmacological intervention.Jones, S. Economic evaluation of antibacterials in the treatment of acute sinusitis.Philadelphia, 1960, pp. It is also surprising that with the advantage of pump therapy, so few insulin-dependent patients are using this method of treatment. The use of channels also results in the directed growth of neurites (Figure 20.

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