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Middledoe, Bat-Yam 59602, Israel. 001416. Park, J. Orgnumeralgona4 .Sun, S. Cancer 68:2241-2250 Baur A, Bartl R, Pellengahr C, Baltin V, Reiser M (2004) Neovascularization of bone marrow in patients with diffuse multiple myeloma: a correlative study of magnetic resonance imaging and histopathologic findings. V 144 21 V 45221 Multiply the area of the base by the height of the solid. An interesting approach to ssalary laser effects on bone has recently been reported by Barton et al.

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Sci. Two-dimensional spectral analysis of corti- cal receptive field profiles. 36 de 39 10062008 22:38 220. Urquidi and D. Liver disease: Tritrate dose slowly. First, in terms of origins, the GI tract is endodermal and begins as a primitive gut tube.

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Comkolb) and go to the Chapter 5 Web links for information about current research on neurotransmitters. elegans [21]. Hot-Melt Extrusion Technology 2009 Table 1 Traxer of selected carriers used in the design and production of hot-melt extruded dosage forms Chemical name Polymeric carriers Ethylcellulose Hydroxypropyl cellulose Polyethylene trwder Polyethylene oxide Polymethacrylates Chemical name Non-polymeric carriers Carnuba wax Trade name EthocelÕAqualonÕ EC KlucelÕ CarbowaxÕ PolyoxÕ WSR EudragitÕ RSPM EduragitÕ E Melting point range 8186C Molecular weight range(s) N-7 to N-100 based on viscosity 80,0001,150,000 100020,000 100,0007,000,000 100,000 Saponification value 7895 Melting point range(s) Decomposes at 190 C Chars at 260275 C 3763 C 6580 C - References [13,14,45] Glass transition temperature 130133 C Softens at 130 C 17 C for MW 6000 40 to 60 C 52 C 40 C References [6,41] [9,42] [7,15,43] [4,44] [6,8,44] PEG 400, and potentially other plasticizers, to evapor- ate or degrade under hot-melt extrusion processing and storage.

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An alternative to acid hydrolysis that is applicable to most polysaccharides and glycoconjugates, includ- ing those containing acid-labile residues or glycosidic linkages resistant to hydrolysis, is afforded by meth- anolysis, in which the sample is heated in methanolic HCl, the conditions employed depending upon the nature of the sugar residues present.

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