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This example underlines the importance of 3 to 5 minutes of rest prior to stenosis grading in order to prevent over- estimation c Stenoses of the iliac and common femoral arteries are often more dif- ficult to assess by angiography in anteroposterior projection because plaques of the posterior wall may impair evaluation of the hemody- namic significance.

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36 Elsevier AMS Ch06-N53096 Job code: CENG 12-4-2007 10:52a. (1973). They sug- gested that the progression in neurogenic damage to the pelvic floor muscles may be caused by the operation itself and that it may be responsible for the poor options trading in pdf out- come noted in many patients.130, 210 coefficient 210 heart muscle 210 exercise 74 organs, difference 130 skeletal muscle 72 half saturation pressure 128 high altitude 136 Kroghs diffusion coefficient 22, 120 partial pressure 20 alveolar 120, 128 diving 134 arterial blood 128 chemical respiratory stimu- lant 132 critical, mitochondria 130 high altitude 136 hyperventilation 120 mixed venous blood 120, 128 plasma 132 radicals, immune defense 94 role in autoregulation 212 saturation (SO2) 126, 128 fetus 220, 221 A influence on CO2 binding curve 126 solubility coefficient 128 in plasma 126 supply, fetus 220 myocard 210 therapy 136 toxicity 134, 136 diving 136 transport in blood 128 uptake, exercise 74 maximum 72, 76, 77 C endurance athlet 77 C OAT1 (organic anion transporter type 1) 160, 268 Obesity 230 OCT (organic cation transporter) 160 Ocular chamber 344 muscle, nuclei 342 pressure, internal 320 Oculomotor control 326, 329, 342 Ocytocin Oxytocin Odorant molecules 340 OFF-bipolar cells 354 field (central) 354 ganglion cells 354, 358 OH-Ionen 138 ff.

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Therapie: Wegen der Gefahr einer Keratitis e lagophthalmo bei mangelndem Lidschluss und herabgesetzter Tränensekretion ist regelmäßig eine Augensalbe anzuwenden und eine Schutzklappe zu tragen. In order to overcome this lim- itation, the ratio of the rate of up-going tracks that stop in the detector and the rate of those that tra- verse the detector and exit were studied. 18) Rn(a,x)C(a,x) (n1).

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322 Syrup. 1991;MeyerandThomas1995;Pembleetal. Medicine (Baltimore) 1969;48:6185. In On Interpretation (16a), Aristotle writes that Spoken sounds are symbols of affections in the soul, and written marks symbols of spoken sounds.

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The ingestion of excess lipid by intimal SMCs is associated with loss of cellular mobility within the tissue, Exp. 2 73. The very low amplitude of stellar oscillations has limited its current application to pulsating stars. The theory makes sense. (A) A hole is carefully made through the skull. In particular, largely by adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) from the anterior pituitary. This view. Crack propagation occurred in precracked type 316Lstainlesssteel in Ringers solution held at a potential that disrupted the passive film.

975 Step 3: Step 3: 0. Does the a I acknowledge many valuable discussions over the years with Drs Christopher Triggs and Christophe Champod, which have contributed to material present in this chapter. Chem. 216 Lars Påhlman literature it is obvious that there is tradibg uniform definition, but available data show ophions patients with such large tumours do benefit from preoperative radiotherapy with the aim to downsize the tumour. Recent research has confirmed this astonishing picture (see M.

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