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̧Ú fl2ß 12a¥¥ ±Æ æø ̈ ̈aÆß ̧ø­ ø 12aÆ ̈ø·2 ø3± ́2 ̈ ±o a¥a12 ̈Æ·12ø¥ a2aÆ1ß ̈ ̧ø ̈ 12ø2 æa ­°a12·çao ·2 ©ø ̈ ̈ ̧± ́Æ­ ±Æ μ·¥±©ø ̈ ̈ ·1Ú ÏÛÔÎÚ fl. This quantity IIAII I A" I is called the condition number or COND (A) and is denoted by K(A). Under these conditions fiber permeance measured in a gas-gas system should reflect that when fibers are immersed within a liquid.

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