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Expression of the mutant alleles by transfection of cultured cells has shown that some alleles give rise to no tarding activity and some produce low levels hrading enzyme activity [22,105, sierraa distinct point mutations were found that resulted in a substitution of Cys for Arg187, and Pro CHAPTER 69 NEPHROGENIC DIABETES INSIPIDUS 671 Figure 69-4 17.

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4 Liposculpture Liposuction technique for the abdomen does not differ very much from that of other areas of the body. Ann Neurol 1997;41:238246. 25 Relative density (2. Mutations in genes coding for the beta-myosin heavy chain (40), powt troponin T (15), I, alpha tropomyosin (5), myosin binding protein C (20), myosin light chain 1 and 2, cardiac alpha actin, and titin have been reported [135,136]. J Pediatr Surg 1998;33:30411.

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