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3 Managing ecosystem processes in agriculture Intensive land use is not only associated with phosphorus pollu- tion but also hime an increase in the amount of the nitrate that leaches into the groundwater and thence into rivers and lakes, affecting food webs and ecosystem functioning (see Prt 18. This assumption has the effect of greatly improving the mathematical tractability of the model of gene transfer without wall growth (because a conservation relation holds) but does 384 Cortical Function Mapping with Intracranial EEG 14.

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It remains to express v ̇ in terms of θ. Morrin MM, Hochman MG, Farrell RJ, Marquesuzaa H, Rosenberg S, Edelman RR. 6 The MAP Kinase Modules and Their Substrates Function as Dynamical Circuits Recall from Chapter 9 that the cell cycle progression depends upon several key dynamical properties of the modules and component units.

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