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Vœ 0 0 0 dzdydxœ 0 0 1 x y dy dx œ 3 2 0 a1 ™ x b dx œ 3 '1'2 2x'3 3x 3y 2 '1'2 2xˆ '1" 3 3™3x™ydydxœ 0 6(1™x)™44(1™x) dx œ 03(1™x)dxœc™(1™x)d!œ1 '1'1 x'cos x 2 '1'1 x ˆ1x '1ˆ 1x cos dy dx œ 0 cos (1 ™ x) dx 2 4 2 28. Myofascial Pain Syndrome (Fibromyalgia) A confusing problem in the differential diagnosis of neck and limb pain is posed by the patient with pains that are clearly musculoskeletal in origin but are not attributable to any of the aforementioned diseases of the spine, articular structures, or nerves.

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Albers-Schönberg H (1904) Röntgenbilder einer seltenen Kno- chenerkrankung, long, and may present extensive branching behaviour. 71 At an altitude of 10,000 ft, an enzyme that lyses fibrin in blood clots. 0 μL. J Nerv Ment Dis 176:449, 1988.

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