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Strasser A, Harris AW, Jacks T, Cory S: DNA damage can induce apoptosis in proliferating lymphoid cells via p53-independent mechanisms inhibitable by Bcl-2. Furthermore, other weak zones may be present in the chromatogram obtained with the test solution. Reliance on persons other than the client as reporters of the primary symptoms is a fundamental difference in the diagnostic process with adults and children.

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10° b. Johnson,C. 272 6. 8 7. 484 Chapter 6 Combinational Design Examples DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO DO Table 6-9 NOT COPY Mode-control bits for the mode-dependent 0 0 32-bit M1 M0 Comparison comparator. Effect of the size and surface charge of polymer microspheres on their phagocytosis by macro- phage. Therefore, it is reason- able to believe that an antifungal prophylaxis INFECTION IN THE ORGAN TRANSPLANT RECIPIENT 595 - monopolar montages 59 - non-autonomy (non-stationarity) 227-232 - phase correlation 240-241 - power spectrum 238-239 - principal components analysis - staging issues 351 stress and anxiety 36 - versus seizur es 342 epilepsy surgery - failures 25-26 epilepsy, medically intractable - definition 1 - determination 2 - evolution 4-5,342-343,351 - seizure frequency 4 epilepsy, partial complex - aura 1-2 - definition 1 - psychomotor seizures - temporal lobe epilepsy epilepsy, partial simple - 'Jacksonian march' 19 - definition 1 epilepsy, secondarily generalized 15 - extratemporal pathways 32-34 - subcortical pathways 21 - via brainstem 33 - via cingulum 33 epilepsy, temporal lobe - bistability 291 - bitemporal spikes 30 - definition 2 - EEG ictal patterns 62-64 - interhemispheric conduction time 20,31 - medically intractable 3 mesial temporal sclerosis 5-6 - non-autonomy 227-232 - pyramidal neuron involvement 11 - seizure frequency 3 epileptic foci - area tempestas 30 - cortex (Layer V) 19 - electrical stimulation - entorhinal cortex 30 - inhibition 10 239-240 - size of dipole layers 56 - solid angle effects 65 - spike generators 58 - spikes versus seizures - statistical periodicity 294 - sulcal effects 64 - synchrony 57, 67 - topological voltage maps - traveling waves 18 - wavelets 240 electrodes.

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