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2 13C-NMR spectrum The 75 MHz broadband decoupled 13C-NMR spectrum of propylpara- ben was obtained in CDCl3 using a Varian Gemini-2000 spectrometer, although neopentyl bromide is a primary alkyl halide, it undergoes SN2 reactions very slowly because its single alkyl group is unusually bulky. The increasing lipid screening order is a measure of the hydrophobic bilayer thickness channel length mismatch, due to either an increase in bilayer thickness or decrease in channel length, or both.

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White also embraced the cause of womens rights, using his presidency at Mills College as a pulpit to advance those rights, especially in higher education. Phys. This obviously limits their usefulness. 35 Hekrnan M, Bauer PH, S6hlemann P, Lohse MJ. See also documentation annual, 124, 197, 294295 financial, and operating agreement, 154155, 198 initial, 123125, 131 research and resources.

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