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During the following centuries Ukraine found itself the object of power struggles among its more powerful neighbors. ; Kato, 259 for instantaneous reaction, 247,251,252,254, 258 and liquid film, 255 Enthalpy, 17 of activation, 141,142,153 balance(s), 228,298,338,368,526 change, dependence on T, 299,445 consumption or loss or removal, 211,338,339, 353 generation, 211,338,339,353,369 input or output by flow, 338,339,368 of reaction, 44,228,298,445 Entrainment, 559,560,567,570,575,577,578, 584 Entropy of activation, 141,142,143,145 Enzyme(s), 261,262,263,264,270,602 Equilibrium, chemicalreaction, 1,2,9,15,136, 282,514 considerations, 293,520-521,522,547,548 limitations, 16,513,516 Equilibrium constant: dependence on T, 44,157,520 for formation of transition state, 139, 140, 141, 143 Ergun equation, 517,574,575 Ethane, CzH, dehydrogenation, 35-36,154,286,366, 376-377,379-380 mechanism, 116,124-125,137,138-139,158 165,172,173-175 Ethyl acetate, C4Hs02,82,218,314,364,390 Ethyl alcohol, HsOH, 78-79,88,97-98,220, 314,445 Ethylbenzene, CsHrs: dehydrogenation to styrene, 176,366,513,522 equilibrium considerations, 520-521,522, 547 reactor calculations, 531-534,547,548 Ethylene, CzH4,152,286,390.

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