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18) y(n1)(x ,C ,C ,K,C ) y 0 1 2 n n0. Patent 2,394,770; February 12,1946;assigned to American Cyanamid BENAPRYZINE HYDROCHLORIDE Therapeutic Function: Anticholinergic, antiparkinsonism Chemical Name: a-hydroxy-a-phenylbenzeneacetic acid 2-(ethylpropylamino)ethylester hydrochloride Common Name: 2-Ethylpropylaminoethyl diphenylglycollate hydrochloride Structural Formula: CsR5 OH 'COCCR,CH2N ':HsC ,CH2a3 '"Z (base) Year Introduced 1973 ChemicalAbstractsRegistryNo.

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Infectious acute interstitial nephritis In children, infections remain the main cause of acute interstitial nephritis. The fifth mode of vibration. 48 0. [6] H. Azaroff, Introduction to Solids. Oshita, nucleophilic anilines, but fail with electron-deficient anilines. Accordingly, diencephalic amnesia may often reflect a disruption of thalamocortical connections that are critical for memory storage.

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