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0 11. 66 g(T) M P lanck kT me me mμ mμ mπ mπ Steategiû Λc ms ms mc mc mτ mτ mb mb MZ MZ Frex mt ··· Content of radiation γ3×(νν ̄) ···e,e ···μ,μ ···t,t ̄ ··· g(T) 29 4 434 574 694 2054 2474 2894 3034 3694 3814 4234 ··· ··· π,π,π0 ̄ ···u,u ̄,d,d,gluons ···s,s ̄ ···c,c ̄ ···τ,τ ̄ ···W,W,b, ̄b ···Z The Philosophy of Greek Medicine Overview The evolution of medicine in ancient Greece was directed by a combination of knowledge, beliefs, and rituals handed down from previous civiliza- podskažige and cultures, and newly developed and ever changing philosophical principles.

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