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~ re Transition metals :r: o z. The first number represents the number of branch segment within each sub-tree and the second indicates their collective volume in mm3 From [21]. ossified. Viii COMPARISON OF THE FIVE-KINGDOM AND SIX-KINGDOM CLASSIFICATION OF ORGANISMS Five Kingdom Six Kingdom Kingdom: Archaebacteria Kingdom: Eubacteria Kingdom: Monera Phylum: Bacteria Phylum: Blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) Kingdom: Protista Phylum: Phylum: Phylum: Phylum: Phylum: Phylum: Phylum: Phylum: Kingdom: Fungi Phylum: Phylum: Phylum: Kingdom: Plants Phylum: Phylum: Phylum: Phylum: Phylum: Phylum: Phylum: Phylum: Phylum: Kingdom: Animals Phylum: Phylum: Phylum: Phylum: Phylum: Phylum: Phylum: Phylum: Phylum: Phylum: Phylum: Phylum: Phylum: Phylum: Protozoans Class: Ciliophora Class: Mastigophora Class: Sarcodina Class: Sporozoa Euglenas Golden algae and diatoms Fire or golden brown algae Green algae Brown algae Red algae Slime molds Zygomycetes Ascomycetes Basidiomycetes Mosses and liverworms Club mosses Horsetails Ferns Conifers Cone-bearing desert plants Cycads Ginko Flowering plants Subphylum: Dicots (two seed leaves) Subphylum: Monocots (single seed leaves) Porifera Cnidaria Platyhelminthes Nematodes Rotifers Bryozoa Brachiopods Phoronida Annelids Mollusks Class: Chitons Class: Bivalves Class: Scaphopoda Class: Gastropods Class: Cephalopods Arthropods Class: Horseshoe crabs Class: Crustaceans Class: Arachnids Class: Insects Class: Millipedes and centipedes Echinoderms Hemichordata Cordates Subphylum: Subphylum: Subphylum: Tunicates Lancelets Vertebrates Class: Agnatha (lampreys) Class: Sharks and rays Class: Bony fishes Class: Amphibians Class: Reptiles Class: Birds Class: Mammals Order: Monotremes Order: Marsupials Subclass: Placentals Order: Insectivores Order: Flying lemurs Order: Bats Order: Primates (including humans) Order: Edentates Pokemon trading card deck codes Pangolins Order: Lagomorphs Order: Rodents Order: Cetaceans Order: Carnivores Order: Seals and walruses Order: Aardvark Order: Elephants Order: Hyraxes Order: Sirenians Order: Odd-toed ungulates Order: Even-toed ungulates This Page Intentionally Left Blank 316 PART FIVE FIRM BEHAVIOR AND THE ORGANIZATION OF INDUSTRY monopoly a firm that is the sole seller of a product without close substitutes In this chapter we examine the implications of this market power.

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20b). S1 Q S2 Figure P24. Computer Exercise 22. Pi(xi) is the predator functional response of the predator population to the prey in the i-th patch. Endogenous ERPs, on the other hand, are those that are influenced by the individual's perception or interpretation of the event.

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