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Hypoxic cells are distin- guished on the basis that they exhibit fewer breaks. The axis of the E helix is oblique and the E helix residues are shown coces broken lines (In 1966, at a CIBA Foundation discussion, Francis Crick asked about the structure of sperm whale myoglobin: .

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3 529. Biochemical Markers The biochemical markers that reflect neurohormonal activation are of particular interest because they clarify pathophysiology and represent targets for therapy. Approximately 50 of boys with a unilateral impalpable testis will in fact have an absent testis on that side. While the Doberman model has been used to investigate the neurochemical substrates of cataplexy (3,4), it differs biochemically from gwnie vast majority of human narcolepsy-cataplexy cases in which orexin peptides are lacking, and OX2R-mutant Dobermans suffer a milder form of the syndrome when compared to sporadic narcoleptic dogs cad are likely to have been orexin-deficient (5,6).

The active site of trypsin contains three amino acids with R groups that actually interact with members of the peptide bond-first to break the bond and then to introduce the components of water. The cell density-determining process is known as quorum sensing, and it operates in the following manner.

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Gastrointestinal symptoms, vomiting, and diarrhea occur when a toxic quantity of arsenic is ingested, but these symptoms may be absent if the arsenic is given parenterally or taken in small amounts over long periods. Fig. Pyrrolizidine alkaloids, Health and Safety Guide.

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