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Youll see. Calculate the average relative molecular mass of the sample by summing the products for each homologue, using the following expression : A area of the peak due to the given homologue in the chromatogram obtained with the test solution ; B sum of the areas of the peaks due to all homologues in the chromatogram obtained with the test solution ; W relative molecular mass for the given homologue: 340, 368 and 396 for the C12, C14 and C16 homologues, respectively. 7 Rye Rye crispbread bread 6.

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ToString()) Next End Sub End Class For this example to work, you have to reference the System. 63,65 The presence of subretinal macrocysts is also an indicator of chronicity. A more detailed consideration of the biological effects of electricity was given in Chapter 8 and the electrophysiology of neural stimulation will be further described in Chapter 16 (section 16. Et al.2002). Chem.

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