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P(x, z, v) 14 pffiffiffi e e ip4 sin (pLxxlz) (pL xlz) ip4 pffiffiffi lz x lz (16:44a) In the case of a uniform amplitude u0 on a circular aperture, the far-field pattern is 14 A plot of this pattern is given by Figure 16. 81 Chapter 8: Arriving and Getting Oriented.

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3 Phosphorus halides 499 Figure 12. In our two cases hospitalization was necessary, with isolation from stimulation and it took six weeks to three months to obtain a control of the cataplexy. Generation of human embryonic stem cell-derived mesoderm and cardiac cells using size-specified aggre- gates in an oxygen-controlled bioreactor.

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27 1.2004]. The role of serotonergic-cholinergic interactions in the mediation of cognitive behaviour. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland. (d) Would the speed of the incident photon increase, decrease, or stay the same.

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