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Glabrata is responsible for FLZ resistance raises the question of whether a similar effect may occur in C. Bartlett II, Y. The old eukaryote-centric (five kingdom) classification of life contained three kingdoms of multicellular organisms (plantae, animalia, and fungi) that are clus- tered at the end of one branch of the new prokaryote-centric (three kingdom) scheme based on the advances of molecular taxonomy and phylogeny, primary on the study of the slowly evolving molecule 16SrRNA that is common to nearly all life on the Earth [705].

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All viruses share the following characteristics: ¦ they are small - the largest known virions are produced by poxvirus (approximately 230 × 270nm) and most viruses of medical importance are smaller than 200nm in diameter; ¦ they contain only one species of nucleic acid, either DNA or RNA, whereas bacteria always have both species; ¦ they attach to their host cell with a specific receptor-binding protein; ¦ they cannot replicate autonomously; in order to reproduce its genomic information a virus requires the assistance of a living eukaryotic or prokaryotic cell; and ¦ when a virus infects a cell, information contained in the viral genome is used to divert the cellular machinery towards the production of new viral particles.

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