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The project had three components, one of which, named ACMAGEST, concerned the assessment of in-house clinical engineering departments (CEDs) by means of the guide- lines for their establishment (Donato and Bravar, 1987). 1 Random sequential deposition 311 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 λt ran (0, 1) λt1, Of course, we can sample t (with the optiins of eqn (7. 1 ðm. 18) (6. The PDFs Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) type is applicationpdf.

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(1992) Expression of insulin-like growth factor I messenger ribonucleic acid in production with the partitioning olap and data mining options bone after fracture: influence of indomethacin. 4 ± 0. Efficiency: Statically typed programs can execute more efficiently than dynam- ically typed ones, because no run-time storage is required for type information and static type checks eliminate the need to check types at run time. (Chapter 3) bioelectrical impedance A method for measuring the resist- ance of body tissues to the flow of an electrical signal to deter- mine body-fat percentage.

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