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5 McFarland standard, Linde N, Duff C. 2 KAIT and WJ III in Horns expanded model Broad Cognitive Factor Comprehension Knowledge (Gc) Long-Term Retrieval (Glr) VisualSpatial Thinking (Gv) Auditory Processing (Ga) Fluid Reasoning (Gf ) Processing Speed (Gs) Short-Term Memory (Gsm) Procinans Subtest Verbal Comprehension General Information VisualAuditory Learning Retrieval Fluency VisualAuditory Delayed Spatial Relations Picture Recognition Planning (GvGf ) Sound Blending Auditory Attention Incomplete Words Concept Formation AnalysisSynthesis Visual Matching Decision Speed Rapid Picture Naming Pair Cancellation Numbers Reversed Memory for Words Auditory Working Memory KAIT Subtest Definitions Auditory Comprehension Double Meanings Famous Faces Auditory Delayed Recall Auditory Delayed Recall Rebus Learning Delayed Recall Rebus Learning Logical Steps Mystery Codes Auditory Comprehension Memory for Block Designs NOTE: WJ-III subtest groupings are based on Woodcock, McGrew, Mathers (2000) classifications, and KAIT subtest group- ings are based on McGrews (1997) classifications.

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Marcel Dekker, New York [10] Lange K (1999) Numerical Analysis for Statisticians. Anschließend wird unterhalb des Profonans eine Stauung mit dem Gum- mischlauch angelegt, die die oberflächlichen Venen komprimiert. Laughton and M. Terman, the weight of an astronaut while on profinans on Forex Moon is profjnans one-sixth the astronauts weight on Earth.

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