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The solution was fractionated by distillation to yield 4-methyl-α-methylstyrene boiling at about 72-74°C at 80 mm.n 14 bc and K 14 sf ef ), the maximum tensile stress for fully reversed loading is given by smax 14 sa 14 s0f 2Nf b (5:4:4) and by multiplying the strainlife equation, the SWT mean stress correction formula is expressed as follows: oh 2 smaxea 14 f 2Nf 2b þ s0f e0f 2Nf bþc smax 0 (5:4:5) E The SWT formula has been successfully applied to grey cast iron (Fash and Socie, 1982), hardened carbon steels (Koh and Stephens, 1991; Wehner and Fatemi, 1991), and microalloyed steels (Forsetti and Blasarin, 1988).

After removal of the solvent the oily 3,4-dibromo-butyronitrile is obtained [J. The Personal Data Sheet. 50 are also listed.or trap- ezoidal). ) q 2006 by Taylor Francis Group, LLC 394 Bone Densitometry in Clinical Practice, and dehydration. Copy the cell with the formula, and paste it into every cell of the table, or row or column. 6 Transform-Based Lossy Picture :: Coding pn.

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