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IEEE Trans. The Resolution value determines how tightly the pixels are packed when printed. While we are left with an open question in adjuvant therapy regarding duration of treatment with an LH-RH analogue (85), based on the fact that metastatic breast cancer remains noncurable and, thus, patients responding to ovarian ablation may be candidates for subsequent aromatase inhibition, it seems reasonable to advocate permanent ovarian ablation (radiological or surgical) for those patients obtaining a clear response to treatment with an LH-RH analogue.

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15 M NaCl solution, heating the solution in a micro- wave oven until it just begins to boil. Positive tests are not necessarily an accurate reflection of the number of competitors who are doping. Chem. Thus, NMR can be used to get information about nuclear magnetic moments.10-0600, 16-0624, 16-0871, 16-1439 Assadourian, L.

Infrared absorption spectrophotometry (2. The basis for its use is that IgG is a small molecule and passes through the placenta; thus the baby may inherit maternal IgG but not necessarily the infection. It is known that the continuous phase transition of PNIPAAm changes into a discontinuous phase if either a small amount of ionizable groups is intro- duced into the gel-like network (Yu Grainger, 1993) or solvent composi- tion is changed (Suzuki, Tomonaga, Kumazaki, Nishio, 1996).

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