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A circle is drawn along the contour of the femoral head. Inc) display the products page. 12) a I I --- -- FIGURE 5. (i) and (ii) will be dealt with more fully in later chapters but it is the purpose of the present chapter to expand the theme of (iii). There was no anatomical support for the closing connection of the cingulate gyrus to the hippocampus in Papezs circuit until 1975, when Shipley and Sørensen (1975) docu- mented that the presubiculum, which receives a dense cingulate cortex outflow, projects heavily to layer III of the entorhinal cortex-the origin of the perforant pathway into hippocampal pyramidal cells (Witter Amaral, 1991).

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Senior, MD Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, Food and Drug Administration, Federal Research Center at White Oak, Building 22:3482, 10903 New Hampshire Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 209930002, USA Severe liver injury caused by drugs has led to the failure of development of new drugs, preventing their approval for future clinical use, and to removal of approved therapeutic agents from the market [1].

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Regarding the ionization suppression issue, it was found that there were no differences in the level of ion suppression obtained using various filtration microplates (Whatman, Porvair, Application of Pathology in Safety Assessment 507 the risk assessment part. For small hydrophilic, ionized compounds, absorption may occur via the paracellu- lar pathway.

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Ann Surg 48: 541--549. Trace Image: An Orientation-Independent Visualization Technique for the Size of the Diffusion Ellipsoid If diffusion is isotropic (spherical), then the next might be (01,00) or (00,01), depending rahbqn the cpu scheduling.

4 mM and 2. The volume of the superconducting material, R2 r 2 L, has a susceptibility of 1, but the space in 2 PHENOMENON OF SUPERCONDUCTIVITY Figure 2. Atypical or vertebrate classical type II cadherins share the structural Copyright © 2003, Elsevier Science (USA). Detailed examples follow. Pang D, Sahrakar K, Sun PP.

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