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4 on page 106: public E bottom() returns the bottom element of this stack TABLE A-25 Substance Thermochemical Properties of Selected Substances at 298K and 1 atm Tables in SI Units 763 Heating Values Lower, LHV (kJkg) - - - - - - 50,020 48,220 45,720 45,350 44,790 44,430 40,580 Carbon Hydrogen Nitrogen Oxygen Hydrogen peroxide Ammonia Oxygen Hydrogen Ethylene Ethane Propylene Propane Methyl alcohol Methyl alcohol Ethyl alcohol Ethyl alcohol Formula C(s) H2(g) N2(g) O2(g) CO(g) CO2(g) H2O(g) H2O(l) H2O2(g) NH3(g) O(g) H(g) N(g) OH(g) CH4(g) C2H2(g) C2H2(g) C2H6(g) C3H6(g) C3H8(g) C4H10(g) C5H12(g) C8H18(g) C8H18(l) C6H6(g) CH3OH(g) CH3OH(l) C2H5OH(g) C2H5OH(l) Molar Mass, M (kgkmol) 12.

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In this study, 45 patients (50) suf- fered WHO grade 3 or 4 toxicities, although there were no treatment-related deaths. 1998) A subclass of prefrontal gamma-aminobutyric acid axon terminals are selectively altered in schizophrenia. Riccio A, Pierchala BA, Ciarallo CL, Ginty DD (1997) An NGF- TrkAMediated Retrograde Signal to Transcription Factor CREB in Sympathetic Neurons.

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