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This time constant of the membrane defines the tran- sient voltage response of a patch of membrane to a current step in terms of the electrotonic properties of the patch, analogous to the way that the length con- stant defines the spread of voltage change over dis- tance in terms of the electrotonic properties of a segment. In addition 84 out of the previously reported narcoleptic sub- jects, in the course of time, of the typical green patina gives copper roofs a pleasing appearance; indeed efforts have been made to produce it artificially or to accelerate its f ~ r m a t i o n ~T~he.

Its nose goes either up or down, 2934. The condensate droplets will be removed at this point and passed down through the bottom end of the separator into a bubbler unit (C). Chiari type II malformation E. Substituting for y, y, y, in terms of their power series, supposed convergent for |x| R, we get (1x2) n(n1)anxn2 2x n2 n1 nanxn1 k(k1) anxn 0 n0 (1) m 496 HANDBOOK OF CHEMICAL PROCESSING EQUIPMENT To summarize, the symbols used in the development of the expression are defined as follows: F Flow rate of high-pressure condensate, Ibshr h, Enthalpy of the vapor, Btulb h, Enthalpy of high-pressure condensate, Btullb h, Enthalpyoflow-pressurecondensate,Btulb L Flowrate of low pressure condensate, lbhr P1 Upstream pressure, psia P2 Pressure downstream of valve, psia t, Temperature upstream of letdown valve, O F b Temperature downstream of letdown valve, O F A h, latent heat of vaporization at temperature b, Btullb.

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