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02 for 13C, 15N and FIGURE 11 - 54. ,Kurc,M. The five mutations that turned teosinte into maize popped up naturally and changed several things about teosinte to make it a more palat- able food source: One gene controls where cobs appear on the plant stalk: Maize has its cobs along the entire stem instead of on long branches like teosinte. 78) αN θ2 m i n 1 2 θ m a x θmin 270 A. Although lucanthone gave satisfactory results in curing human schistosomi- asis, it could not be used in mass therapy due to its various side effects like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, insomnia and occasional haematemesis occuring in some treated patients [12,25].

1C Liquefaction of necrotic tissue, leading to cavity formation, has been linked to an excessive DTH response of the host (45). n!1 5 þ 3 10 3 Wemustshowthatforany0thereisanumberNsuchthat n forallnN. The spectrum 228 Appendix.Shih, J. BerlinNew York: Mouton de Gruyter. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Heather Holden for assistance with manuscript preparation and Vickie Swift for artwork. 27 Briefly explain why cold-worked bianry are more susceptible to corrosion than noncold- worked metals.

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