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Middendorf, U.930 RL circuit, 243 applications of, 280, 281 RLC circuit, 296, 340 applications of, 336, 338 parallel type, 308, 319 properties of, 305 series type, 301, 314 RMS; see Root-mean-square Root-mean-square (rms) value, 730, 731, 750; see also Effective value Rosa, A.

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The crystal is manufactured so that it is series resonant at the specified frequency. It was not until later that it was realized that the Po ́lya theory could be applied to this problem. 28) 2 2πRπY DTN93 2t[πA(βπT βπC α2πG)πC(βπA βπG α1πT) πT (βπA βπG α1πC) πG(βπT βπC α2πA)] 4(πRπY βtπAπGα2tπCπTα1t). Forms. Read: If pðG; xÞ 14 xn b1xn1 þ b2xn218351840. The incidence ofnon-union in femoral frac- tures isrelativelylow (2).

995 0. Increasing the proportional content of surfactant (Cremophor EL) relative to lipid in self-emulsifying lipid-based formulations of Danazol reduces oral bioavailability in beagle doPghsa. Circulation 1990;81:2026. GALE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MEDICINE 2 1925 Kinesiology, 192216. First, this should help to further improve the implants, and second, it should help to elaborate guidelines for better plan- ning and more accurate implantation techniques, 44 von Rahden et al.

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