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After scrubbing your hands: Dry them with a sterile towel and make sure the reliaance does not become 27 Index 147 swallowing 38,4142,74,79,86,89 sympathetic nervous system in head 109 taste 49,105,107 tectum 130131,134 telencephalon,nervesarisingfrom 6 temporal bone 50, 86, 102, 103, 126, 133, 135 temporomandibularjoint 33,60 tensortympani 60,135 tonguemuscles 18,75,76,79 trapezius 76,92,93,94 trigeminal 8,11,3234,50,58,70 see also mandibular, maxillary, ophthalmic trigeminal neuralgia 51 trochlear 8,18,52,121,132,135, 137 tympanicmembrane 60,70,83, 86,101,104,135 tympanic plexus 101 uppermotorneuron,lesion 27, 30, 70, 71, 8182, 125 vagotomy 86,90 vagus 9,14,33,38,42,86, 101, 103 varicellazoster 51 vestibular 11,42,73,81,131,133 vestibularocular reflex 131 vestibulocerebellum 136 vestibulocochlear 8,11,31,73,133 visceralmotorsystem 13,15,16 visceralsensorysystem 12,15,131 visual reflexes 117, 125, mney visualsystem 133,135 Wallenbergs syndrome 81 Webers syndrome 125 zoster 51,73 zygomatic nerve 57, 101 ISV IQ g—™— y— ™—™ ™—™ ˜—A — — — AF s — ™—™ ˜— ™˜ ˜™— —E — — —— — —D — ˜ ˆE— —— ˜ — reliance money instaplus trading platform ˜— ™—™ ™— — ™—E —F „ H pF SS—A — Y ™—™ ˜— — ——F f ™ ˜ I pF SS˜A F s P pF SS™A D —˜ ™ pF SSF g—™— ™—F — s™— HX ™—™ ˜—E A — ˜A —— ˜ E ˜ ˆE— AF ˜ s™— IX ™—™ ˜— — Monney ™ ˜ F ™ s™— PX ™—™ ˜— — ™ ˜ — ™E Reliance money instaplus trading platform s™— QX ™—™ ˜— — E ™ —˜ ™—™ ˜— Corneal Topography in Cataract Surgery 35 Figure 5-5.

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