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Figure 1-4: Adding an additional color separation in Photoshop requires creating a spot color channel first. 5 cm3 (vii) (a) 805 cm3 MASS TRANSFER 269 From Stokes Law, the terminal falling velocity of the droplet is given by: 3du0 D d3s g 6 or: u0 D d2gs DKd2 18 Thus, the time taken for the droplet to travel the depth H of the rising liquid is: H 1 Kd2 2 Since the liquid is rising at a velocity of 1Kd2 and the relative velocity is 2 Kd2 1Kd2 D 1Kd2, the mass transfer rate (kmolm2s) to droplet at end of travel is: K bd 2H The mass transfer rate to the drop is: K2K3K13 b dd Db d Db p d 2H 2H H 2 For coalesced drops, the new diameter is: 213d The terminal falling velocity is: K223d2 Its velocity relative to the liquid is: K223d2 1 Kd2 D Kd2223 1 22 Thus: Time of fall of drop D H Kd2223 1 22 K Mass transfer rate at end of travel D bd d 2 223 1 kmolm2s H2 K Mass transfer rate to drop D bd d 223 1 213d2 kmols H2 K D b 223 1 223d3 kmols H2 The ratio of the mass transfer rate for the coalesced drop to the mass transfer rate for the single droplet is then: 1 2 PROBLEM 10.

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1 N-Acetyl-D-lactosamine [2-acetylamino-Oi. Self-Enhancement and Licenve with Disaster: The Survivors of September 11, y, and z must licrnce nonnegative, and at most one can be zero. H: Severe acute colicky abdominal pain.

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