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As the calcium is phagocytosed, the CSF may demonstrate minimal or no increase in cell count and no bacteria on the Gram stain, but N. 366) Golgi bodies: organelles that package cellular materials and transport them within the cell or out of the cell.

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Disorders of lipid metabolism (see alsoSection 11) Neurolipidoses The lipidoses constitute a group of disorders characterized by the intracellular accumulation of a variety of different lipids. 4375 ð 10 000 10 000 Now try the following exercise Exercise 3 Further problems on decimals In Problems 1 to 6, determine the values of the expressions given: 1.

Science 239:290 Hickey WF, Vass K, Lassmann H (1992) Bone marrow-derived ele- ments in the central nervous system: an immunohistochemi- cal and ultrastructural survey of rat chimeras. The correction on the axis of the disk is a second- order quantity.

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