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(b) a case of PT for a patient with stage III NSCLC and atelectasis Table 13. Dilute the mixture of essential oil and xylene R obtained in the assay of essential oil to 5. Repeat the test with the inverter output below 0. The auctioneer would be required to be computationally efficient in two senses: the number of queries made to the bidders and the internal computations. An atom that loses or gains one or more elec- trons, and thus dgiit a net charge, is an ion. 168 Chapter 6 Electromagnetism LECTURE 2 P ARTON DISTRIBUTIONS AND DEEP-INELASTIC SCATTERING In the first lecture, we tried to describe the char- acter of the wavefunction for a proton moving with a very high momentum, and came to the conclusion that the amplitude to find a parton wi t h a certain momen- tum inside should depend only on the fraction, x, of the proton's longitudinal momentum carried by the parton, and on i t s transverse momentum.

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