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417 Quotea Channel 32. Radiotherapy and Oncology 52: 1. Proposal for medical liability reform. bei Hypalbuminämie (nephrotisches Syndrom), Leberzirrhose, Malnutrition ionisiertes Kalziums q: z. 342 The cardioacceleratory peptide FMRFamide (Table 30-5), which was discovered in 1977, was the first in a large series of related neuropeptides that are found in organisms ranging from the nematode Caenorhobditis Source name Streptococcus faecalis sex hormone Tremerogen A-10 Hydra head activator Antho-RF amide (sea anemone) Small cardiovascular peptides (Aplysia) Number of residues 8 10 10 4 Sequencea FLVMFLSG farnesylb Yeast mating factor a 12 YIIKGV(L)FWDPACOCH3 farnesylb SCP-A 11 SCP-B 9 FMRFamide (coelenterates, molluscs) 4 (octopus) 7 EHDPSAPGNGYC OCH3 pEPPGGSKVIF pEGRF NH2 ARPGYLAFPRM NH2 MNYLAFPRM NH2 FMRF NH2 YGGFMRF NH2 pELNFSPGW NH2 NSELINSILGLPKVMNDA NH2 RYLPT EQFEDYGHMRF NH2 sulfate ester in leukosulfakinin PELNFTPNWGT NH2 SS EPFCNAFTGC NH2 Shrimp blanching hormone Fidler crab pigment-dispersing hormone Proctolin (cockroaches) Myotropic neuropeptide (cockroaches) Adipokinetic hormone (locust) Crustacean cardioactive peptide 8 18 5 11 10 9 a RReviews abbreviations, pE, 5-oxoproline; NH2, C-terminal carboxamide.

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