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IEEE 86 490503 Burdea G C 1996 Force and Touch Feedback for Virtual Reality (New York: John Wiley) Chen E and Marcus B 1998 Force feedback for surgical simulation Proc. To identify parentage, diagnose inherited diseases in prenatal labora- tories or the presence of someone at a crime, scientists use molecular biology techniques such as DNA finger- printing by applying restriction fragment length poly- morphisms (RFLPs) analysis (identifying the character- istic patterns in DNA cut with the restriction enzymes), microsattelite analysis (looking at the small specific 1778 GALE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SCIENCE 3 Genetics SECTION 5.

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The second step of the treatment schedule consists of an IBT boost (usually with carbon ions) to the macroscopic tumor with or without a small CTV-expansion. The patient should be placed in a protected area away from the main hospital, and all personnel in the immediate area should employ body armor or explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) equipment. Ini- tially, free nerve endings that are sensitive to heat. 33, 99109 (1995) 3. 10). After the item is added, txtInput.

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SECTION II PERIORBITAL APPROACHES A standard series of incisions has been used extensively to approach the inferior and lateral orbital rims.

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