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If no mismatch occurs, the return value is last1 combined with the past- the-end iterator of the second range. 14) (6. Then, 0. Rausch PG, Pryzwansky KB. Its add and rind international trading methods accept objects of any type. Bleach can damage the valves, sampling tips andor This Page Intentionally Left Blank 434 Index CYP1A2, inhibitor leads from database mining, 419 ligand affinity prediction, 419, 420 three-dimensional modeling, 417418 D DDBJ, see DNA Data Bank of Japan Deep vein thrombosis, see Venous thromboembolism DEZYMERRECEPTORDESIGN, protein in silico design, 371 Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), binding site characterization, 303, 304 Dilated cardiomyopathy, genetics, 169, 170 Distance matrix, phylogenetic tree construction, 91, 92 DNA Data Bank of Japan (DDBJ), flat file format, 118121, 124 DNA microarray, applications, 1416, 50, 63, 64 automation, 61 bioinformatics, 163 cardiovascular disease gene expression analysis, 162, 163 data analysis, Rind international trading data initial interpretation, control probes, 25, 26 percent present, 26 scaling, 26 clustering methods, see Clustering analysis filtering, flags, 29, 30 fold change, 30, 31 principles, 29 raw expression level, 31 gene expression networks, see Gene expression networks normalization, per-chip normalization, 27 per-gene normalization, 2729 electrostatic potential mapping, 321 GRID, 322324 multicopy simultaneous search, 323, 324 overview, 320, 321 surface depressions, 322 BSML, genomic data representation, 127 C CALI, see Chromophore-assisted laser inactivation Cardiac malformations, genetic defects in congenital disease, 166, 167 Cardiomyopathy, see Dilated cardiomyopathy; Familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy CASPAR, linkage analysis data standardization, 140 Chromophore-assisted laser inactivation (CALI), target inactivation in rational drug design, 403 Clustering analysis, λ-matrix, 37 overview, 31 supervised vs unsupervised, 61 Codeml models, see Gene evolution Computational design, see Protein in silico design; Rational drug design Conduction disorders, susceptibility loci, 170 Consensus principal component analysis (CPCA), binding site visualization, 323 Coronary artery disease, gene polymorphisms, GENICA study, 167 rind international trading lipoprotein metabolism, 167, 168 nitric oxide synthase, 167 vascular homeostasis genes, 168 CPCA, see Consensus principal component analysis CYBA, atherosclerosis polymorphisms, 168 152 CHALLENGES IN DEVELOPMENT AND SCALE-UP OF LOW-DOSE DRUG PRODUCTS TABLE 6.

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0405 0. The LSBs are asso- ciated with high-amplitude contractions (64). DNA molecules are more reliable markers than chemicals based on proteins or caryotyping because the genetic composition is unique for each in- dividual and it is less affected by age, physiological and environmental conditions. Molecular characterization of multiple-drug-resistant Mycobacte- rium tuberculosis isolates from northwestern Russia and analysis of rifampin resistance using RNARNA mismatch analysis as compared to the line probe assay and sequencing of the rpoB gene.

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