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The coordinate factor ψ in our solution is now nπx ψ(x) risks of selling options sin L. risks of selling options x(n1) x(n2) x(n3) h(3) h(0) h(1) h(2) Z1 Z1 1111 4444 Σ y(n) y(n) h(0) x(n) h(1) x(n 1) h(2) x(n 2) h(3) x(n 3) 1 x(n) 1 x(n1) 1x(n2) 1x(n3) 4444 14 x(n) x(n1) x(n2) x(n3) For N-Point Moving Average Filter: 1 N1 y(n) N Σ x(nk) k0 FIGURE 16.

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