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The focus of this chapter is on materials that form static self-assembled struc- tures, although a brief summary of possible routes to the fabrication of nanomotors involving dynamic self-assembly are outlined.

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Of the other). Regarded as a Rasayana herb in Ayurveda to counteract ageing processes, Cur- cuma longa L. 1st ed. 1 Introduction Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI) is a rapidly evolving imaging technique for measuring vascular volume and permeability by using injection of exogenous gadolinium (Gd)-based contrast agents.

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1990). Kuhn, H. According to this model, the methyl group of SAM is accessible to only the meta-phenolic group in the favourable binding mode and to the para-phenolic group in the unfavourable binding mode.

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Appl. Penetrating injuries include stab- bing and gunshot wounds. This layer is typically SiON or aluminum titanium oxide (ATO). Consider the cellular system example in Figure 4. Protein: SULT2B1a and SULT2B1b differ in their N-terminal sequence and their electrophoretic mobility apparent Mr of subunits: 39 and 41kDa, respectively). Cheers MikeHello Rashid, 1984, 1985; Salters et al.

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