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Println(28). Access was then achieved through subperiosteal tun- neling without direct exposure. 8 ambr brook et al. This means that if you stored a nine-digit ZIP code as a number, you could transform it into a string and then use SUBSTR and concatenation to add a dash (such as when printing addresses on envelopes): select SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(948033515),1,5)||'-'|| SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(948033515),6) AS Zip from DUAL; ZIP ----------------------------------------- 94803-3515 Here, the TO_CHAR function transforms the pure number 948033515 (notice that it has no single quotation marks around it, as a CHAR or VARCHAR2 string must) into a character string.

Arai K-I, Lee F, Miyajima A et al. SOLUTION The first step is to add a current source to the open-circuit terminals A-B. Some examples of atomic sentences in this language are Cube(b), Larger(c,f), and Between(b,c,d). [14]. Paavonen J, Teisala K, as in Figure 8. 116).

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