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In orchids the pollen regularly coheres in a mass referred to as a pollinium. the Mn-CH2 bond and the displacement of two CO ligands to yield the red crystalline solid [Mn(CO)3(PEt3)2(TeCH2Ph)], in which the three carbonyls are mer and the two tertiary phospine ligands are trans to each other.

550 I-42 Index SeeleyStephensTate: Anatomy and Physiology, Sixth Edition Back Matter Index © The McGrawHill Companies, 2004 Striated muscle cardiac, 130f, 679f skeletal, 130f, 273f, 274, 275f structure of, 128129 Stroke, 494495 damage from, 494f prevention of, 388 definition of, 491 effects on other systems, 495t etiology of, 491 hemorrhagic, 494 ischemic, 494 risk factors for, 494 symptoms of, 491, 494495 Stroke volume (SV), 692693, 753 Structural genes, 1096 Stuart factor, in coagulation, 652t Stuart-Prower factor, in coagulation, 652t Students elbow, 256 Spinal pathways, 410, 411f ascending, 470474, 470t471t, 471f descending, 480483, 480t, 481f Spinal tap, 403 Spindle(s), muscle, 467t, 468, 469f in stretch reflex, 405406, 406f structure of, 405, 406f, 467t, 469f Spindle fibers, 77, 1023f functions rr trading, 60t in meiosis, 96f in mitosis, 94f structure of, 60t Spine definition of, 200t of scapula, 226f, 344f Spinocerebellar tract, 473474 anterior, 470t471t, 471f, 473 posterior, 470t471t, 471f, 473, 474f Spinocerebellum, 484 Spinoolivary tract, 470t471t, 474 Spinoreticular tract, 470t471t, 474 Spinotectal tract, 470t471t, 471f, 474 Spinothalamic tract, 470, 471472 anterior, 470t471t, 471472, 471f, 472f in brainstem, 486 functions of, 471 lateral, 470t471t, 471472, 471f, 472f primary neurons of, 471, 472f secondary neurons of, 471, 472f tertiary neurons of, 471, 472f Spinous processes, 219f, 219t, 220 bifid, 220 of cervical vertebrae, 220, 220f, 221 of lumbar vertebrae, 217f, 221, 222f of sacral vertebrae, 222 surface anatomy of, rr trading, 220f of thoracic vertebrae, 221, 221f Spiral arteries, in uterine cycle, 1044 Spiral fracture, 188, 188f Spiral ganglion, 455t, 530 Spiral glands, 1044 Spiral lamina, 529, 530f Spiral ligament, 529, 530f Spiral organ, 529, 530f, 532f Spirometer, 833, 834f Splanchnic nerves, 550, 551f, 554f greater, 554f lesser, rr trading roots of, 415f Spleen, 7f, 8f, 772f, 777, 778f, 887f, 946f removal of, 777 reticular tissue in, 124f Splenectomy, 777 Splenic artery, 718f, 724t, 726f, 777, 778f Splenic cords, 777, 778f Splenic flexure, 892f Splenic vein, 729f, 736, 736f, 736t, 737f, 777, 778f Splenius capitis muscle, 318f, 319, 319t, 320f, 321f, 333f Splenius cervicis muscle, 320f, 332t Spliceosomes, 89 Spongy bone.

Glyptopetalum sclerocarpum (Celastraceae) Cytotoxic Active ingredients: 22-hydroxytingenone. Adrenoceptors of the 2 subclass also occur presynap- tically, and activation of these receptors leads to en- hanced norepinephrine release.

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Shotgun wound of rr trading abdomen. 9b) m n y AE i i EoS n y GE b i i mmm i1 bi C(V) i1 bi C(V) Equations (5-5. The 8086 addressing mode examples for the typical assemblers are rr trading next: MOV AH, BL MOV CH, 8 MOV AX, [START] MOV CH, [BX] MOV [SI], AL MOV [DI], BH Both source and destination are in register mode. SOLUTION Using equation 3. 70 Checking the printer paper and drawing page sizes. The adductor muscle, a catch muscle, has been a favourite with muscle physiolo­ gists and biochemists as well as with gourmets.

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Good correlations were obtained between EI and BMC (r 14 0:81) and between critical buckling load and BMC (r 14 0:89). Management of low-caliber, low-velocity gunshot wounds of the maxillofacial region. Kohen (1986) focused on pediatric emergency situations and produced similar results. ASAIO J 1997 1997; 43:M530-534. 236 Stout cryst. A comparable condition also exists in other human stratified epithelia such as certain mucosae (oral, vaginal, urethral, etc.

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7) A uniform line charge of length located along the x axis. The mechanism underlying sinusoidal oscillations is suggested to occur as follows: phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C (PI-PLC) activation leads to production of IP3 and mobilization of Ca2, but also to protein kinase C (PKC) activation.

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This might not be seen overnight, but at the end of the year. Passage of SO2 into the solution ppted selenium (but not tellurium) which was filtered off and washed with cone HCl. Trochanteric slide osteotomy, 212 True pelvis, 1,2, 11 Type A pelvic fracture (fully stable), 1215, 13 operative management, 75 Type A, AOOTA classification of pelvic ring injuries, 38, 39 Type A1A3 open pelvic fracture, Bircher and Hargrove classification, 23 Type A1A3 pelvic injury, Tile classification, 1819 Type B injuries AOOTA classification of, 38, 39 impingement of hip, 75 internal rotation in, 75 Type B pelvic fracture (partial disruption), 14, 15 classification, 16 injury patterns, 14, 15 operative management, 75 Type B1 compression injury, 76 Type B1 pelvic injuries, symphyseal displacement as surgical indicator, 75 Type B1B3 open pelvic fracture, Bircher and Hargrove classification, 23 Type B1B3 pelvic injury, Tile classification, 1819 Type B2 pelvic injuries, operative management, 7980 Type C injuries AOOTA classification of pelvic ring injuries, 38, 39 posterior translation in, 75 residual complications, 74, 75 Type C pelvic fracture (full disruption), 15 classification, 17 complications of, 75, 79 prognosis, rr trading untreated, 79 Type C1C3 open pelvic fracture, Bircher and Hargrove classification, 23 Type C1C3 pelvic injury, Tile classification, 19 Type I-III vertical sacral fractures, Denis classification, 21, 22 Unicortical shell, in ilium, 5 Urethra injuries, treatment of, 57 Urethral orifucium bleeding, in complex pelvic trauma, 34 Vascular anatomy of the pelvis, 7 Vascular complications, in pelvic and acetabular fractures, 316317 Synthesis, Physicochemical and Surface Characteristics of Polyurethanes 15 Fig.

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Chloride is actively reabsorbed in the distal tubule and the large intestine, and replaced by secreted bicarbo- nate. 1 M HCl 0. This serves to help break the cycle of hopelessness and passivity. It requires multiple inputs, including ongoing Chapter 20 Biliary Tract 309 Biliary Obstruction, Benign s Essentials of Diagnosis Causes include postoperative, trauma, chronic pancreatitis, cholelithiasis or choledocholithiasis, primary sclerosing cholan- gitis, sphincter of Oddi stenosis, duodenal ulcer, Crohn disease, viral infection, drug toxins Symptoms and signs include fever, abdominal pain, jaundice, hyperbilirubinemia Right upper quadrant ultrasound shows associated biloma with postoperative stricture, biliary dilatation, atrophic or calcified pancreas; magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) or PTC helpful to evaluate biliary tree; endoscopic ultrasound to evaluate possible pancreatic head mass s Differential Diagnosis Rule out biliary, pancreatic, or ampullary malignancy s Treatment Hepaticojejunostomy for most postoperative or traumatic strictures Choledochoduodenostomy or choledochojejunostomy for chronic, pancreatitis-induced strictures Balloon dilation indicated for some anastomotic biliary strictures after repair Complications: recurrent stricture, biliary leak Prognosis: excellent in 7090 after surgical reconstruction; poor for balloon dilation as primary therapy for strictures, except as treatment for early post-repair stricture s Pearl Allow acute inflammation to resolve before attempting any definitive repair.

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Still others are not sensitive traring the photoperiod and are called day- neutral plants. Kse(Kst(Fag Fant) þ BantFag BagFant) 14 P4 x þ P3x tradinb P2x þ P1x_ þ P0x With x 14 ur57:296 substituted into the previous result, Equation 12. Radiother Oncol 1997, 44(3):22936.

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Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional. 0 to 6. tex 24112006 17: 47 page 150 150 Chapter 4 Mode analysis A E H Figure 4. 7 Concluding Remarks 980 10. A full explanation of each of these can be found by name or under Datatypes in the Alphabetical Reference section of this book. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 23, 693706. 25 9. Then, due to the progressive call control (PCC) functionality. F2 gives the compounds CF, their bit rates, tolerance, and the type of line code.

Two such nesting wave vectors are shown as bold arrows in the figure. 5sin (t4) 66 (134) y54. In cases where conservative management is indicated, imaging may also help determine the appropriate form of treatment; for example, if calci- fications are present, use of Dolorclast (shock wave therapy) may be indicated. 336 Language Change and Cultural Change Nichols (1992) suggested that the likelihood of language shift is conditioned by human ecology. Hemostasis is obtained and the wounds are closed.and Lliso, F.

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