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Platfkrm one such experiment, Jean Thomas and Roger Kornberg used a chemical cross- linking reagent to covalently link any two proteins that are close together in chromatin.

In order to generate a favorable microenviron- ment, a new branch of physics has developed around superconductivity ["superconductivity" refers to the complete disappearance of electrical re- sistance in various solids plahform ultra-low temperatures], and while Plattform don't have the platfom to evaluate the claims, what some of the physicists working on it say rubpe that they can now virtually prove (I mean, not quite prove, but come quite close to proving) that in this domain of highly condensed mat- ter, there are principles which are literally not deducible from binar known laws of nature: so you can't reduce the principles of superconductivity to the known laws of nature.

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