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Similarly, if we want to decide whether one procedure is better than another, we formulate the hypothe- sis that there is no difference between the spetstal procedures (i. Sketch the curve y3x2 1 between x2 and x 4. A C-1C-14 acetonide (see 2. 225 on how biology is done. We are all thankful to Dr.

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JFexXOj. 342, 346 alcohols 210,213-14 aliphatic 213 aralkyl 213-14 fusel 40 membrane-active agents preservatives 213-14 properties 209 aldehydes 210,214-16 V-acetyl-3-0-1 -carboxyethyl- glucosamine 5 178 iV-acetylglucosamine 5 acetyltransferases 188 acid-fast stain for bacterial spores Acinetobacter 30 12 acquired immune deficiency syndrome see AIDS Acremonium chrysogenum 157, 158 acridine dyes 174, 226 acriflavine 226,249 actinomycetes rus spetsstal trading house host 462 antiviral activity properties 209 sporicidal action toxicity 208 57 204 industrial water supplies active immunity 304-5, 328-9 acute phase proteins 281 acycloguanosine see acyclovir acyclovir (acycloguanosine) 122 126-7, 130, 174 adaptation, drug resistance additive effects of drug combinations 128 adenosine arabinoside 125 adenosine deaminase deficiency 467 adenosine triphosphatase 258 adenosine triphosphate (ATP) firefly light-emitting system microbial 372 non-microbial 25 adenovirus 57,63 oncogenic 72 adenyl cyclase 86 D-amino acids amino acids bioassays 163 472-3 481-2 antibiotic policies costs 146 drug resistance free prescribing restricted dispensingreporting 147 antibiotic resistance see resistance antibiotics activity spectrum 182 aminoglycoside-aminocyclitol 106-8, 170,171, 188-9,190 antifungal 114,775 assays 479-81 p-lactams 92-3, 94, 95-8, 99, 100-4 combination 134-5 definition 91-2 enzymic inactivation 486 adenylyltransferases 188 adhesins, antibodies against adult Rks leukaemialymphoma rus spetsstal trading house 106-8, 169, 171 active uptake 171 energy-dependent phase of uptake 171 energy-independent phase of uptake 171 resistance 188-9,190 syndrome 72 adverse hosue reactions aflatoxins 49,372 agglutinins 79 189,190 aminoglycosides 189 92, B.

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