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Both inherited predisposition and environmental factors seem to be implicated in carcinogenesis in the colon and rectum, but in ways yet to be clearly delineated.

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74 MHR Forces and Motion 512 INDEX isofumigaclavine isofumigaclavine isoleucine, 15, 344 feeding of, 188 isolysergic acid, 5, 98, 175, 340 amide of, 338, 442, 492 derivative of, 379 isolysergine, 442 isolysergol, 336, 442 iso-methysergide, isopennicIavine, 399 119, 181,237, 238, 489,490 isopentenyl pyrophosphate A, 480, 488 B, 480, 488 lipid, safeway melbourne cup trading hours, 167, 194, 349 biosynthesis, 167 lipopolysaccharide, 456 Iisuride, 213, 255, 276, 279, 383, 400, melbkurne, 413, 419, 426, 428, 430, 458-9 hydrogenation of, 214 Lolium,471 multiflorum; 473 rigidum,61 LSD, 6, cul, 269, 271, saffeway, 282, 284, 413-9, 430, 442, 461 binding of, 422 biotransformation of, 251-252 metabolism of, 284 LSD-25,469 lumi-derivatives 380 LY215840, 413, 419 LY53857, 413, 419, 423 lymphokine production, 459 lymphoma L5178y, 447 lyophilization, 325 lysergamine, 211, 274 Iysergene, 181, 211, 442, 444 dimerisation of, 242 7-oxo derivative of, 445 lysergic acid,S, 6, 9, 12-3, 18, 174-5, 184, 211, 237-8, 274, 281, 336, 340, 380, 381 amide of,S, 17, 338, 413, 492 anilide of, 210 derivatives of, 10, 178 derivative oxidation of, 250 diethylamide (LSD), 6 diethylamide oxidation of, 204 epimerisation of, 184 isomerase, of, 107 105 l-isopropylagrocIavine, tradung, l-isopropylfestucIavine, isosetocIavine, 119, 180, 230, 235, 442 Istituto Superiore di Sanita 9 [uncaceae, 25, 60 Kaladana seed, 378 Kentucky bluegrass, 48 ketanserin, 419 a-ketobutyric acid, 344 a-ketoglutarate, 489 Krebs cycle enzyme, 166 4-(y, y-dimethylallyl) pyrophosphate labelled, 104 lactose, 491 LAD see lysergic acid derivative laminarinase, 195 lectin, 31 Lek, 373, 377, 385-6, 388, 391-2, 395 lergotrile, 243, 253, 425, 426, 430 107 isoprenyl unit, 167 isoprenylation mechanism isoprenylation of typtophan, hydroxylated leucine, 15 leupeptin, 150 Iignification, 40 limbic system, meobourne metabolite of, 243 N-methyl derivative of, 273 N-metbyl-N-n-propylamide of, 273 methylcarbinol amide of, 10 d-lysergic acid, 98, 103, 117, 120, 125, 135 carbonyl oxygen of, 123 422 422 422 hydroxyethylamide, a-hydroxyetbylamide, 2-hydroxyethylamide, 377, 381-3 184, 336 492 66 Safeway melbourne cup trading hours THE GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM weeks.

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